Khoja Ismat mausoleum
Hi.We went to the KHoja Ismat Mausoleum.
Khoja Ismatullah Vali - (1365-1436) - scholar and saint . Khoja Fakhriddin Ismatullah bin Mas'ud Bukhari was a great poet, philosopher, educator, and enlightener. He was born in Bukhara in 1365 and died in Bukhara in 1436 [1] . Khwaja Ismatullah's father, Khwaja Mas'ud, was an intelligent, wise, learned, and pious person. According to Davlatshah Samarkandi's book " Tazkirat ush Shuaro ", Khoja Ismatullah is a noble, virtuous and learned man, whose lineage is connected to Ja'far ibn Abu Talib. Khoja Ismatullah's ancestors were great and virtuous people in Bukhara. Khwaja Ismatullah was educated in Bukhara madrasahs and in a short period of time came to the attention of master scholars. He studied the Qur'an , tafsir , hadith , jurisprudence and other sciences perfectly and became known as a scholar of the 14th century. Khoja Ismatullah wrote under the pseudonyms "Ismat" and "Nasiri". Khoja Ismatullah's ghazals were popular not only in Bukhara, but also in the whole of Movarunnahr , as well as in the whole East. Khwaja Ismatullah has "Devan" and "Qasida" books. "Devon" includes ghazals, rubai, mukhammas, qasida, composition, khita, dirge, comic, problem, masnavi. The famous poet's works are dedicated to love, manners, and he describes natural scenes with a delicate delicacy.
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